
58 products

    Fabrication tools are used to deposit, heat, etch, modify, reshape or clean materials. Nano Vacuum offer tools and accessories for R&D, pilot and production systems. An overview of the equipment and tools we supply for fabrication include:
    - Physical Vapour Deposition
    - Atomic Layer Deposition
    - Dry Etching
    - Chemical Vapour Deposition
    - Ion Beam Deposition
    - Vacuum Heating / High Temperature Ovens
    - Plasma Cleaning & Ashing
    - Gloveboxes
    - Dicing Saws
    - Clean Tents

    58 products
    GEMStar XT-P Thermal and PEALD-Nano Vacuum Australia and New Zealand
    Benchtop ALD - GEMStar XT-P Thermal and PEALD
    GEMStar XT Thermal ALD-Nano Vacuum Australia and New Zealand
    Benchtop ALD - GEMStar XT Thermal ALD
    Benchtop ALD- GEMStar XT-R Thermal ALD upgradeable to PEALD-Nano Vacuum Australia and New Zealand
    Benchtop ALD - GEMStar XT-R Thermal ALD upgradeable to PEALD
    PlasmaPro 80 ICP-RIE - Nano Vacuum
    PlasmaPro 80 ICP-RIE
    Oxford Instruments Plasma
    PlasmaPro 100 Cobra ICP-RIE - Nano Vacuum
    PlasmaPro 100 Cobra ICP-RIE
    Oxford Instruments Plasma
    PlasmaPro 80 RIE - Nano Vacuum
    PlasmaPro 80 RIE
    Oxford Instruments Plasma
    PlasmaPro 100 RIE - Nano Vacuum
    PlasmaPro 100 RIE
    Oxford Instruments Plasma
    PlasmaPro 800 RIE - Nano Vacuum
    PlasmaPro 800 RIE
    Oxford Instruments Plasma
    PlasmaPro 100 Estrelas - Nano Vacuum
    PlasmaPro 100 Estrelas
    Oxford Instruments Plasma
    PlasmaPro 100 PECVD - Nano Vacuum
    PlasmaPro 100 PECVD
    Oxford Instruments Plasma
    PlasmaPro 800 PECVD - Nano Vacuum Australia & New Zealand
    PlasmaPro 800 PECVD
    Oxford Instruments Plasma
    PlasmaPro 80 PECVD - Nano Vacuum
    PlasmaPro 80 PECVD
    Oxford Instruments Plasma
    PlasmaPro 80 ICPCVD - Nano Vacuum
    PlasmaPro 80 ICPCVD
    Oxford Instruments Plasma
    PlasmaPro 100 ICPCVD - Nano Vacuum
    PlasmaPro 100 ICPCVD
    Oxford Instruments Plasma
    PlasmaPro 100 ALE - Nano Vacuum
    PlasmaPro 100 Atomic Layer Etching System
    Oxford Instruments Plasma
    Oxford Instruments Ionfab 300 Ion Beam Etcher - Nano Vacuum Australia & New Zealand
    Ionfab 300 Ion Beam Etcher
    Oxford Instruments Plasma
    Oxford Instruments Ionfab 300 Ion Beam Deposition - Nano Vacuum Australia & New Zealand
    Ionfab 300 Ion Beam Deposition
    Oxford Instruments Plasma
    PlasmaPro 100 Nano CVD - Nano Vacuum Australia & New Zealand
    PlasmaPro 100 Nano CVD
    Oxford Instruments Plasma
    piezobrush® PZ3 Effective plasma handheld-Nano Vacuum Australia and New Zealand
    piezobrush PZ3 Effective plasma handheld device
    PlasmaTool Handheld Device Relyon - Nano Vacuum Australia & New Zealand
    Plasmatool Handheld Device
    Sale price $11,995.00 Regular price $17,555.00 Save $5,560
    RTP-100 Rapid Thermal Annealing (RTA/RTP) Oven - Nano Vacuum Australia & New Zealand
    RTP-100 Rapid Thermal Annealing Oven
    Unitemp Germany
    RTP-100-HV Rapid Thermal Annealing Oven (High Vacuum) - Nano Vacuum Australia & New Zealand
    RTP-100-HV Rapid Thermal Annealing Oven (High Vacuum)
    Unitemp Germany
    RTP-150 Rapid Thermal Annealing Oven (RTA/RTP) - Nano Vacuum Australia & New Zealand
    RTP-150 Rapid Thermal Annealing Oven
    Unitemp Germany
    RTP-150-EP Rapid Thermal Annealing Oven (RTA/RTP) - Nano Vacuum Australia & New Zealand
    RTP-150-EP Rapid Thermal Annealing Oven
    Unitemp Germany