The Nanonis Mimea™ SPM control system is used for a wide range of applications ranging from tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy to SNOM, non-contact AFM, and special setups for more complex measurements. With the help of adaptation kits the control system adapts to any type of microscope, commercial or home-built. The systems have been used world-wide to produce results that made it to the cover pages of outstanding scientific journals. Reliability, user-friendliness and flexibility are the three principles which guide our development.
SPECS reliable and user-friendly control system for scanning probe microscopes gives you the freedom to focus on nanoscience without restrictions.
Nanonis Mimea Base Package BP5e
The base package provides all the functions for fundamental SPM applications, in particular STM and contact mode AFM. From signal conditioning and AD/DA conversion to FPGA and real-time signal processing as well as a graphical user-interface, the Nanonis Base Package provides a complete framework that can be adapted and extended with a wide range of add-on modules.
The BP5e is the latest evolution of the Nanonis MimeaTM SPM control system base package. It combines exceptional signal quality, high speed, and a flexible, powerful and user-friendly software interface. The enhanced BP5e builds on the exceptional performance and signal quality of the BP5 and offers higher speed and more functionality and flexibility.
- Fully asynchronous multitasking interface
- State of the art hardware performance
- Simple integration with almost any SPM
- Interactive scan control with easy navigation
- High-speed and multipass scanning, high-speed spectroscopy
- Highly configurable Z-controller with SafeTip™
- Oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzer (FFT), data loggers, charts and graphs
- Advanced spectroscopy at user-defined point, line, cloud, grid or combined scan-grid.
Nanonis Mimea Software
The software is the instrument! The Nanonis Mimea™ software is based on the latest developments in programming techniques and signal processing. With its modular architecture and multi-window application all data are acquired simultaneously and transmitted to all modules at all times. Only the windows and functions necessary for the current experiment need to be open compared to an interface with a single window that often will have irrelevant sections displayed consuming valuable screen real estate. The window layout and settings can be stored and recalled at the click of a button for quick experiment switching.
With its track record for reliability, the Nanonis controller can significantly increase day-to-day efficiency and productivity. Also, the modern user interface makes it even more enjoyable to master complex scientific experiments.
For more details, please visit the dedicated Nanonis Mimea™software page
Oscillation controller
The Oscillation Controller (OC4) and the related software modules add dynamic and multifrequency AFM capabilities to the Nanonis controller. Imaging modes include but are not limited to: non-contact AFM, intermittent contact mode, phase imaging, dissipation.
With an input bandwidth of 5MHz, the OC4 can operate any type of cantilever, tuning fork, Kolibri sensor™, etc. at its fundamental frequency or higher harmonics. It is also perfect as a digital lock-in and signal analyzer (FFT) up to 5 MHz and can be further extended for Kelvin probe applications or customized in LabVIEW with the Nanonis Programming Interface.
The z-feedback of the SPM software can regulate on any signal coming from the mechanical resonator with any predefined SafeTip™ condition.
Please head to the dedicated oscillation controller page for more details about the Nanonis OC4 and its software
Add-on modules
The Nanonis Mimea™ SPM control system is a modular system meaning that the hardware required for a given experimental situation can be tailored to the user's needs. A series of hardware and software add-on modules is offered to extend the functionality of the Base Package. This is the most flexible and at the same time cost-effective solution. It also offers the best performance since each instrument is highly optimized.
Hardware add-ons include high-voltage amplifiers, piezo motor drivers, adaptation kits for commercial microscopes and various accessories in addition to the Oscillation Controller described above.
Modularity doesn't stop at the hardware level: Modularity of the software is a key advantage in cost optimization and versatility. Additional software modules can be added when experimental needs require them. The addition of new modules does not require any hardware or software installation and can be performed in a vey short time. Test licenses give users the opportunity to test software add-on modules with their experiment before deciding to purchase the module.
See the dedicated Nanonis Mimea™ Add-ons page for more information, or head to the product pages.
Piezo drivers
Low noise, high voltage amplifiers and high-performance piezo motor drivers are an important part of a successful SPM setup.
The Nanonis range of piezo drivers includes:
- The Nanonis HVA4 family of high voltage amplfiiers for piezo scanners
- The Nanonis PMD4 family of piezo motor drivers
Please head to the HVA4 and PMD4 product pages for more details about these instruments
Adaptation kits
A range of adaptation kits enable seamless integration of the Nanonis control system with most types of commercial SPMs. The adaptation kits are pin-compatible with the microscopes providing plug&play integration.
The following adaptation kits are available:
- Adaptation kit for the SPECS Aarhus SPM family
- Adaptation kit for all Omicron STMs and AFMs
- Adaptation kit for Unisoku SPMs
- Adaptation kit for Beetle-type SPMs
- Adaptation kit for Createc SPMs
- Adaptation kit for the Veeco Multimode
- Adaptation kit for JEOL 4000 series UHV AFM/STM and 5200 series AFM
- Adaptation kit for JEOL 5400 series AFM
For more details, please use the links above to reach the adaptation kits product pages
Contact us to find out what it takes to run your microscope with a Nanonis control system in case your SPM is not on the above list.
SPECS range of accessories for SPM applications further extends the capabilities of the Nanonis Mimea™ SPM control system.
The following accessories are available:
- Nanonis MCVA5 low-noise, ultra-high impedance voltage preamplifier
- Signal adder SA4
- BNC adapters for HVA4 and PMD4
- Z modulator and AUX modulator for HVA4
- SPECS Kolibri preamplifier kit
- Femto DLPCA-200 preamplifier kit
- Femto DDPCA-300 preamplifier kit
- Femto DHPCA-100 preamplifier kit
For more details, please use the links above to reach the accessories product pages
Multiprobe controller
Operating a multiprobe SPM system has never been simpler: The Nanonis Mimea™ multiprobe control system is an easy to use yet scalable solution offering the best performance to cost ratio for any number of probes.
Multiprobe systems typically have between 2 and 5 probes and the control system should be able to handle every possible configuration. Previous solutions were either designed for the maximum number of probes, resulting in an expensive configuration for fewer probes, or used multiple single-probe controllers resulting in complex workflow and poor usability.
Nanonis Mimea™ is a modular platform which easily grows with the number of probes while maintaining a single-controller architecture with all measurements managed and all data handled by one user interface.
STM Simulator
The STM Simulator lets you explore the complete Mimea™ SPM Control System software as if it were connected to a real scanning tunneling microscope (STM) operating on a Si(111) 7x7 surface. A tutorial and online help will guide you step-by-step to your first image and then let you explore the detailed features of the system.
- interactive Z Controller with SafeTip options
- versatile ScanControl with Manipulation and Lithography features. Multiple pass scanning is enabled.
- advanced Spectroscopy: Z spectroscopy, bias spectroscopy, generic spectroscopy - one point, on line, on grid.
- digital lock-in detector up to 4 kHz: dI/dV, (dI/dV)/(I/V)...
- atom tracking: advanced 2D lock-in for drift and tilt correction
- signals monitoring: charts, oscilloscope, FFT, signal history...
It also lets you verify the correct functioning of measurement routines written in the Programming Interface, the scripting module or the TCP interface.