Relyon Plasma Webinar: The Compact Plasma Integration as Industry Standard of the Future

Jul 21, 2022

Webinar Relyon Plasma PZ3-i - Nano Vacuum Australia New Zealand

Nano Vacuum is excited to present the the Relyon Plasma Webinars about the Piezobrush® PZ3-i. Watch now the presentation of Relyon Plasma guest speakers on bonding and printing applications.

Piezobrush® PZ3 has been designed as a compact plasma handheld device for use in laboratories, predevelopment and assembly of small series. With a maximum power consumption of 18 W, the Piezoelectric Direct Discharge (PDD®) technology is used to generate cold active plasma at a temperature of less than 50°C. The heart of this portable plasma device is the TDK piezo plasma generator CeraPlas™ – a high-voltage discharge device for generating cold atmospheric-pressure plasma. Plasma is used to increase the surface energy of many materials with high efficiency, as well as to reduce germs and odors. 

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