'Vertical Micropillars Arrays with High Aspect Ratio Submicron Gap by Metal Assisted Chemical Etching as Active Components in New Sensor Devices' by Heidelberg Instruments

by Natasha Sufi

Read the application note: 

by Lucia Romano a) and Marius Mæhlum Halvorsen b)

Heidelberg Instruments DWL66+ Direct Write Laser Lithography Tool - Nano Vacuum Australia & New Zealand

In the fabrication of modern optoelectronic and electronic devices, anisotropic etching is indispensable. Unlike conventional etching techniques, metal assisted chemical etching (MacEtch or MACE) is a plasma-free highly anisotropic etching method, with the advantage of making scallops-free and sharp vertical profiles, with no ion damage, even if the trench width is at nanoscale.

Vertical silicon micropillars arrays were created by using, MacEtch, a plasma-free anisotropic etching method, produces sharp vertical silicon structures without ion damage, beneficial for sensors, X-ray optics, photovoltaics, vias, and bio-interfaces.

Read the full application note HERE  

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