NanoFrazor in Nanocutting of 2D Materials

Jun 24, 2020

Recent study by Prof. Juergen Brugger at EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) and the team is published in advanced Materials focuses on application of NanoFrazor in cutting 2D materials with a resolution of 20 nm.

In this study, the thermomechanical indentation technique is demonstrated to break the chemical bonds of 2D materials, MoTe2, MoS2 and MoSe2 into stripes, and to sublimate the PPA layer underneath the flake.

Removing all the stripes, the resistance between the electrodes becomes infinite.

According to the publication: "With respect to EBL, the proposed technique does not require high vacuum and avoids electron-induced damage, therefore it can readily be implemented in a very cost-effective manner to prototype and fabricate high-quality 2D nanostructures. For most applications, functional nanostructures of 2D materials have to be patterned by lithography techniques." 

Text & image reference: X. Liu et al., Thermomechanical Nanocutting of 2D Materials, Advanced Materials, 2020


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