Workshops Conducted 'NanoFrazor Explore Lithography System For Advanced Fabrication 2D and 3D Nanodevices'
Nano Vacuum was excited to present Heidelberg Instruments workshops on 'NanoFrazor Explore The Revolutionary Lithography System for advanced 2D and 3D Nanodevices' by Dr. ZhengMing Wu, Senior Sales Manager at Heidelberg Instruments.
The workshop highlighted how the application range for the NanoFrazor Explore nanolithography technique is broad spanning from ultra-high resolution 2D and 3D patterning to chemical and physical modification of matter at the nanoscale.
Nano Vacuum would like to mention and thank the diverse set of facilities around Australia and New Zealand that we were hosted at:
The Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF) nodes including Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication, ANFF-Qld, ANFF-WA, ANFF-SA, UNSW and The University of Sydney Nano Institute Sydney Nanoscience Hub. RMIT University, CSIRO NSW, Victorian University of Wellington and Canterbury University
Related publications:
- Optical Fourier Surfaces - Lassaline et al., Nature, 2020
- Thermal scanning probe lithography—a review - Howell et al., Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 2020
- Nanoscale spin-wave circuits based on engineered reconfigurable spin-textures - Albisetti et al., Comm. Phys., 2018

Optical Fourier Surfaces - Lassaline et al., Nature, 2020
Nanoscale spin-wave circuits based on engineered reconfigurable spin-textures - Albisetti et al., Comm. Phys., 2018
Explore more
- 2D Material
- 2D materials
- 3D
- 3D printing
- 7th South Australia Space Forum
- adhesion
- adhesive bonding
- Aerospace
- angle etch
- Apiezon
- atomfab
- atomic force microscopy
- battery
- benchtop
- Benchtop PVD Deposition System
- Benchtop Thermal Evaporation
- Biocompatibility
- bonding
- bone differentiation
- Bosch Etcher
- cell adhesion
- Characterisation
- Chemical etch
- Chiller
- Coating
- cold atmospheric pressure plasma
- Communicator
- Covid-19
- CRYO Instruments
- Cubesat
- Data Analysis
- Deep Silicon Etch
- Dental
- Deposition
- direct imager
- Direct Write Lithography
- direct writing
- directwrite
- dope
- Dry Etcher
- dry etching
- Edwards Vacuum
- Electrical characterisation
- electron microscopes
- electronic devices
- energy harvesting devices
- Etch Process
- Etch Slanted Features
- etching
- Europlasma
- Evaporation
- FlexAL
- Fluxim
- Gas
- Glovebox
- Graphene
- Grease
- Health Centre
- heat exchangers
- Heidelberg Instruments
- heterostructures
- Holograms
- hydrophilicity
- innovation
- installation
- Ion Beam
- Ion beam etching
- ISO9001
- iVacSens
- Lab On Chip
- lithography
- lithography system
- magnetron
- Maskless Aligner
- Maskless Lithography
- maskless stepper
- masklessaligner
- memories
- MEMs Vacuum Sealer
- microfabrication
- Microfuidics
- Microstructures
- MLA150
- MoS2 Monolayer
- Nano technology
- Nano Vacuum
- nano-oscillators
- nanofabrication
- nanofluidics
- nanofrazor
- nanotechnology
- Nanovac AB
- nanovacuum
- navigation
- Nazia Tabassum
- Nnao Vacuum
- NnaoFrazor
- nomoremasks
- Oil
- Oncology
- OpAL
- Optical
- optics
- optoelectronics
- Oxford
- Oxford Instrument
- Oxford Instrument Nano Science
- Oxford Instruments
- Oxford Instruments Nano Science
- Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology
- p-n junction
- pattern
- pattern generator
- patterning
- Perovskite Solar Cells
- Perovskites
- photonics
- photovoltaic
- Physical etch
- Piezobrush
- Plasma
- Plasma Cleaner
- Plasma etch
- Plasma Polish
- Plasma Pro 100 Estrelas
- plasma process
- Plasma technology
- plasma treatment
- Plasmaguard
- PlasmaPro
- plastics
- polarity
- Power Device
- Precision Hot Plates
- Pressure
- Process News
- PTIQ software
- PZ3
- quantum
- Quantum Device
- Quantum Devices
- quantum dots
- Quantum technology
- Raman
- Rapid Thermal Annealers
- Recirculating Chillers
- Relocation
- Relyon
- Relyon Plasma
- Replace Mask Aligner
- Rotor Gauge
- scanning probe microscopy
- semiconductor
- sensor
- sensors
- shear test
- Si deformation
- SiC
- slanted etching
- slanted features
- SmartPirani
- Software
- solar cells
- Solder Reflow Ovens
- Space Mission
- Space research
- Space Simulation
- Specs
- Spectroscopy
- Spintronic
- Sputtering System
- start ups
- superconducting qubits
- superconducting single photon detectors
- surface energy
- surface science
- surface treatment
- The ProteoxTM
- Thermal Vacuum Chamber
- thermochemical scanning probe lithography
- thin film deposition
- tHz time-domain
- Titanium
- TPT Wire Bonder
- Transducer
- UniTemp GmbH
- Vacuum
- Vacuum Pumps
- VSS-300 Vacuum Solder System
- Walk Through Booth
- Wax
- webinar
- wettability
- wire bonding
- X-ray