Nano Vacuum is the Official Distributor of Apiezon Products

by Ava Faridi

Apiezon product - Nano Vacuum Australia and New Zealand

Hydrocarbon Vacuum Greases        

The Apiezon family of hydrocarbon high vacuum greases have been serving the market for many years and are highly regarded worldwide for their quality, consistency and excellent performance in vacuum applications. The greases are silicone-free and highly resistant to creep, the undesirable phenomenon associated with silicone-based products.

PFPE Vacuum Grease

Apiezon PFPE501 is a chemically inert, high temperature and extreme pressure lubricant. It is perfect for use in short path distillation systems. 

The full complement of hydrocarbon and PFPE based greases ensures that whatever your vacuum application requirements Apiezon has the answer.

Vacuum Oils

Apiezon AP201 Vapour Booster Pump Fluid is known and respected around the globe for its superior quality and stability. 

Waxes & Q Compound

Apiezon Waxes and Q Compound are well known for their quality, consistency and versatility. Apiezon etch-resist waxes and temporary vacuum sealants are manufactured by a team of specialists.

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